Firefighter Pension Board

The board is composed of five members. They shall be responsible for the administration of the pension fund and to designate the beneficiaries thereof. 

Contact Information

Phone: 708-485-7344
Meetings are held quarterly in the calendar year and special meetings as called by the Village President at 9:30am in Fire Station NO. 1 located at 9001 Shields Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513. Please check the “calendar” page of the Village website to see scheduled meetings and cancellations.


The board consists of five members.  Two members of the board are appointed by the Village President. Two members of the board are active participants of the pension fund who are elected from active participants of the fund. One member of the board is a retired person elected from persons retired under the pension fund.

  • Jason Baumruck - President
  • David Andel - Secretary 
  • Charles Romeo
  • Mark Duffek
  • Tom Reich
Doug Cooper, Finance Director - Staff Liaison